This is one of my favorite times of the year since most people seem to be kinder than usual. Of course there are a few Grinches and Scrooges among us, but for the most part I notice most people seem to go out of their way to be kind and helpful.
It almost seems like people give themselves permission to look beyond their gripes and grievances and allow their best or true selves to shine through. Maybe they're trusting more or paying attention to the Christmas message about peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Perhaps they let down their guard and release their fears so they could actually see themselves and others as connected.
Whatever it is, I like it. I believe we are all naturally kind and are wanting connection. We want to know we're not alone and that others care about us. Naturally, when we let down our guard and our fears, the best parts of us can be seen. Those parts that feel good, like being kind, gentle, understanding, patient, joyful and generous then spread to others and on it goes, at least until January 2nd. Once the new year rings in, it seems that many people re-erect their walls to hide behind and resume gathering evidence why it is not safe to trust.
Imagine what our world would be like if we all practiced putting our fears aside all year long and actually showed we cared about each other on a regular basis.
Without question, there would surely be peace on earth. Anyone willing to give it a shot?