Saturday, August 16, 2008

Is It Work Or Play?

One of the perspectives in life that I hold is that if you consider everything you do to be PLAY, then life will be fun most of the time. It is so easy to slip into martyrdom or victim hood (depending on how bad you feel) when you have lots of work to do. With simply shifting your approach to one of playfulness, any job or task can actually be fun.

Here's an example....My business partner and I have had many days that required our focused time and attention to prepare for a workshop the next day. We always have a long To-Do list and only a limited number of hours. We set our intention that we will move through the list with ease and fun. If one of us forgets and starts getting hooked by the clock or some event that didn't go quite right, the other gives the reminder that it is all a "GAME". Remembering not to take it all so seriously creates an opportunity to enjoy everything you "do". Laughing over the the misses takes the edge off the importance. Remembering who we really are is key.

Nothing changes in the "doing" part of the duties at hand, but there needs to be a significant change in the "being" part. I know I am naturally playful and fun is David. Tedious work or jobs that seem overwhelming can drag us both down if we are only thinking about what needs to be done. Where our power lies is in seeing the jobs in a different light. Rather than just hoping for it all to end, we enjoy the process being who we really are.

Recommendation for the day: Find the JOY in everything you do by being who you really are.

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