Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Storm's "I"

The Storms of life continue to swirl. We are facing the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, our country is at war, unemployment abounds, people all over the world live in fear. If we focus on all that seems to be wrong, or threatened to go wrong, we lose sight of the power each of us holds.

When we remember who we each essence what the qualities are that make us each the "I" of the storm, we are reminded we have all we need to be at peace, no matter what is happening around us.

I understand it is easy to forget (that is if we ever really knew it), yet I can share personally that I know it is possible to not be sucked into the swirl of life's storms, when our focus is made inward. The practice of positive thought and presence can not only change your perspective, it can change your whole experience of life.

It is by being with the peace that resides deep within us, and remembering who we truly are, that we can stay grounded as we look around at all of the stuff of life that seems to be whirling out of control. Remembering we are not the storm, but simply observers of the storm, helps us to better make decisions about our life's course.

When we are in the "I" we respond to life with peace, rather than react with fear.

If you would like to experience this yourself, join me and David Larson for a full day workshop on March 28 th. Early bird registration fee of $100 (including morning muffins and lunch) ends March 1st. Call me for more information or to register at 570-723-1020.

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