Friday, March 27, 2009

Leading Lady

For some reason theater references often fill my mind as potential metaphors. Today I was pondering the concept of "Leading Lady". Saying it out loud sounds important, doesn't it?

Obviously, the leading lady would be a vital element of the story being depicted. She would be a powerful force making or breaking the performance of the play or movie. She would also be deserving of special attention, like a special dressing room, a chair with her name on it, and maybe first in line at the food truck. I'm sure her opinion on various topics would also be of interest to others.

I think I'm going to play with the idea that I am the leading lady in my life. Life isn't a performance, it's for real, yet I am the major player. The choices I make, how I behave, and in essence, how I want to live would be totally up to me. Since it's my life, then my opinion is the last word.

Now of course, I may ask for some direction and will learn from the other actors (that would be you), but when it gets down to it, being the leading lady means my life revolves around me.

Doesn't it make sense then to treat myself well and to honor my importance in having my life lived well?

Life is not a show and I am not acting, but knowing I am the star of this production I am living, feels good. The wonderful thing about this idea is we all get to have the lead parts in our lives and we all get to be honored for who we are.

Although I am the leading lady in my life, it does not mean I deserve any more than anyone else that is starring in their life. It also does not mean that all I would care about is me. What it does mean is that I play it out the way I see fit.

I am very happy to be casted in this role and plan on making it a great show!


MariaPortas said...

Absoloutely! Many of us have other people playing the lead role in our lives. Everything is about them. Thank you for reminding me that I am the leading lady in my life, puts a new spin on my day :)

Kate Sholonski (moderator) said...

Thanks for your comment, Maria! Remember to take a big bow at the end of the day!