Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life's Crescendos

The day had barely begun and I was ready to lie down and die. I was completing a fast paced, hour long workout and was working to conquer a long, slow, steep hill. I was way out of breath and my quads were burning. It was hot, humid and I was badly in need of water.

As I was focusing on my discomforts, I noticed the music playing in my ears. My I pod, which was set on shuttle, brought up a random selection of music which happened to be a full orchestra piece with a focus on brass, drums and violins. As I purposefully tuned into the music I noticed it was building to a crescendo and then decided to allow it to carry me. I noticed myself feel more confident and determined to stay strong and not quit. The next thing I knew, the music reached its crescendo at the same moment that I reached the top of my climb.

For the rest of my walk I thought about the metaphorical hills we sometimes climb in our lives. I thought about how we sometimes tell ourselves we can't take another step, even though we know we will. I thought about how exhilarating it is when we stay in the game and reach our crescendos and celebrate all that brought us to that point. I thought about the easy down hill times that are mixed with the harder uphill challenges, and how we don't always appreciate the things that are easy.

Recovery from my uphill challenge was particularly sweet. I not only physically felt strong, I was reminded that the crescendos of life are well worth the struggles we sometimes go through to get to the top.

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